You know you've got an oud addiction when you're checking this website everyday, and are swiping yourself with oud oils several times a day.
Oud isn't exactly your bank account's best friend. But Sweet Siam is now here, and its the perfect solution to relieving your constant oud craves without inflicting a large dent in your wallet.
Sweet Siam is a 'yellow stage' distillation (read here about yellow, green, and red stage distillations). The raw material was harvested from a forest in the Bun-Tad mountain range in Thailand. The trees produced the oleoresin naturally without human intervention, and although they were estimated to be less than 30 years old (much younger than the trees typically used for producing AgarAura oud oils), the distillation was specifically designed with two aims in mind:
1) to craft an oud oil from non-inoculated agarwood trees, that would be as affordable as possible,
2) to achieve the best possible aroma from distiling this raw material by carefully tweaking the distillation technique.
Sweet Siam is incredibly sweet. Its oozing with ripe berries and peaches, and also displays notes of plum wine and cognac. It boasts a powerful contrast between the rugged woody base and the brighter sweet highlights.
Because the whole point of offering this oud oil is to give you a less expensive alternative for everyday wear compared to our usual offerings, its also available in larger 5g and 10g bottles as well.
With Sweet Siam in your collection, you'll have no reason to restrain yourself from getting your oud fix every day of the year!
Such Quality
for this price it's unbelievable !
M.G. (France)
Siam was the booziest delectable treat I've smelled in
fragrance. I did
not expect such notes to be coming from an oud! And it
stayed that way
for hours, not losing any of it's wonderful character.
As I fell asleep
I was constantly sniffing my hand.
R.O. (USA)
would say it is definitely as good or better than
harvested oils in
twice it's price range. I'd call this the best value oud
oil ever to be
C.W. (USA)
Taha when I received this gem in the mail and took my
initial sniff, l
said to myself, this is too good to be true. Very sweet
and all I could
think of is sugar cane after about 30 min. I applied
some yesterday
around 5pm and woke up the next morning with a
noticeable incent dry
down, longevity on this one is very good. My second day
with it, I now
get the blueberry fruity note, thank you bro for this
amazing gift.
People looking at me like I’m crazy in the coffee shop
because I can’t
keep my nose away from my hand lol.
Z.C. (USA)
I opened the bottle pfffffffff :) I started to smile :)
As always with your perfumes!
A.T. (France)
In Sweet Siam I find such an amazing flower bouquet:
lilacs, sweet
cherry blossoms, and a delicious green oud note.
T.S. (Germany)
Hey Taha, I just wanted to thank you for the Sweet Siam
and let you
know that I like it. It is similar to Kritsana Pa and
has its own nice
J.G. (Canada)
was wearing it
yesterday, it is indeed sweet and fruity and very
pleasing. Plus, it
lasted all day on a very hot day.
M.S. (USA)
Ich erfreue mich sehr an
dem oudig schweren Duft der nach einer halben Stunde
sein Duft stark
ändert und frisch wirkt. Ihr merkt ich bin nicht in der
angemessen zu beschreiben und zu vergleichen genieße es
dennoch :)
Es hält lange,
aber nicht ewig.
Für mich stimmt das
Preisleistungsverhältnis und ich möchte seine
Note und die größere Menge nicht missen.
Sweet Siam is
blueberries on the bush as your picking them with some
in your mouth. I
even smell the evergreen blueberry bush, lovely, long
lasting with an
incredible incense dry-down the next day!