Oud Product


Kuzen is the successor to our extremely popular Kanzen. And it shares more in common with it than just a resemblance in name.

Like her predecessor, Kuzen is a remarkably beautiful Cambodian oud, and it displays many of the delightful qualities you came to love in her predecessor.
But in reality, its actually even closer to another Cambodian oud, the formidable Khmer Special K v2. Both of these oils were co-distillations of agarwood harvested in the provinces of Kampot and Koh Kong.

Once again, this is a Cambodian oil that smells more Vietnamese than 'mainstream' Cambodian. The same bitter resinous zing that you loved in Kanzen is present here, but even more prominent... and yet smoothed out. And did I hear you say you loved that creamy vanillic quality of Kanzen? Good news. The Kampot portion of the raw material brings even more vanilla cream to the table.

If our top shelf oud oils have been out of your reach so far, the good news is that Kuzen features the same overall scent profile as Khmer Special K. So grab a bottle or two of Kuzen while you can, and enjoy (guilt-free) one of the rarer, and in my opinion finer, aromas that Cambodia has to offer.

Kuzen ! Quelle merveille !
Je ne parviens pas à donner une analyse précise . Je dirais simplement que c'est vraiment une huile très agréable , avec plusieurs couches qui se développent et s'étalent avec rondeur , une huile bien présente mais qui se porte facilement , belle pour soi , certes , mais belle aussi pour l'entourage (beaucoup d' huiles sont un plaisir "égoïste" , notamment par rapport aux non initiés autour de nous...;) ).
Et pourtant , c'est bien du Oud....!
J.S. (France)

I wouldn’t call it mid range but rather up on the higher range. It truly is a unique Cambodian with links to Khmer special K.
A.K. (USA)

I also LOVE Kuzen, which is magical in its Taha signature as well. Seriously amazing incense notes! And I kick myself yet again for not jumping on Kanzen early enough.
C.V. (USA)

You were not wrong my friend!! Kuzen is a stronger more resinous Kanzen. Holy crap. Everything is amplified. It’s literally an amplified Kanzen. I love it!
S.G. (USA)

Nice ever increasing oudy aroma that leads to tranquility. Fragile aroma that deserves to be given extreme heed lest the string of aroma should scatter. It is slow-and-steady-wins-the-race sort of oil.
R.M. (Pakistan)

Even better & much stronger than Kanzen IMHO. More like Khmer Special K v2. More harmonious & very potent. Silage & projection are heavily expanded. Too pleasant scent & according to the price point the best bang for buck at this time. ( I think everyone should have at least one bottle of this cheaper version ( but precious in scent ! ) of KSK v2 in their collection.
As for myself even after having 2 full bottles I'm thinking to have two more for regular use.
S.A. (Bangladesh)

Top notes, heart notes or base notes! No, for me, it is an organic whole where everything is in its primordial existence. The oil never let me think ‘this is hay, this is silage, this is floral, this is high altitude’. It is just Kuzen. This is its identity. The aroma is gentle, mild, soft and silky. It caresses and fondles. Sniffed deep, and the rest was Kuzen that did what Beauty does.
R.M. (Pakistan)

KUZEN is drop dead gorgeous!
S.V. (Sweden))

Reminds me of Khmer Special K.
A.Z. (USA)
