Want to know how I define "incense grade" wood? Simple: wood
that smells awesome on your burner, and not like roasting
firewood – which is what the typical raw materials of most
oud oils out there smell like.
Now imagine wood that not only smells awesome, but also
smells mindbogglingly close to kinam when you heat it. That's
what the raw material for Pailin Special K was,
and that's the reason why I put aside a fistful of the
powder for personal use.
Distill it, and that is what you call an
"incense grade" oud oil.
Its rare enough to find genuine 'Special K' wood in your
hands; even rarer is finding oils distilled from such wood.
If you smelled our old oils Vietnam Special K, Kiyosumi,
or Kenmei, you'll have a good idea about the aroma
of Pailin Special K. But imagine stripping away all the
"non-essential" DNA of any kinam - be it Vietnamese,
Cambodian, mountain-specific, species-specific... that is
the aroma of Pailin Special K.
The most sublime, dignified oud aroma you can imagine.
Bitter and sweet in the most perfect balance. Thick
condensed milk, boiled with fresh mint leaves and vanilla
beans. A subtle suggestion of dry Oolong tea. The
otherwise-rugged woody (almost 'poison'-like, a la Laos)
notes of classic Pailin agarwood is perfectly kept in check
by the non-fruity non-floral simply-kinamy-sweet flavors.
Special K is a phrase I don't use lightly.
So when I tell you to track down the absolute finest kyara
from the incense houses of Kyoto and Osaka to know the aroma
of Pailin Special K, you should realize... this is an oil
that no lover of kinam/kyara can afford to pass up.
I’ve had three sessions with
the PSK and I’m finding it to be Pilipino in the front
with Ayu, Au Luong and Camellia sneaking in behind. Kenmei
is in there too, hiding with flowery shy Lavania. I have
more listening to do but I think PSK is a summation of
much of your agarwood opus. You have worked very hard. I’m
glad for you, Taha.
L.K. (USA)
Pallin special K..omg..even if i read the discription down
i can not remember nothing of the details etc..but this
oil it has to be from a higher energetic level.. pure
balance and love.tears fall from my eyes.so wet so
strange.so much i want to cry..i really dont understand
what it wants to say..it is tranguilizing yes as you
discribe it..but there is something magical behind it..its
like a mother that loves so much her child and she is so
happy and at the same time she has to tell her lover
that she is staying with her husband that loves her so
much for the sake of her family..but she feels safe
X.C. (Cyprus)
Pailin special K smelled like several of the Kinams I
tried at Tahas place.
A.K. (USA)
I have received your parcel of Pailin Special K just
smelled the banquet of Kyara/Kinam. Wow simply the best
quality Cambodian oud oil to date. Amazing olfactory, you
are so right in saying it’s simply hands down.
H.M. (UK)
No misuse of the K word here, pure heavenly oud with the
most beautiful drydown.
N.S. (Australia)
If you want a K oil, I’d recommend PSK while there’s some
available. If you missed Malaya, then Royal Sumatra and
Royal Malinau will be sure to please.
M.B. (USA)
PSK and Pra R simply mind blowing
Customer (USA)
Palini special K is LOVELY
I.S. (USA)
Just recieved the package...
Pailin Special K ❤ 😍
You know sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to
smell your oud oil 😂 It makes me feel relaxed
and happy 😃J.M. (UAE)
I tried psk last night. Mix of the kinamic aroma that i
get from sample of kinam dust (from kz) and the agarwoody
aroma i get from our pursat wood.
Z.M. (USA)
I put it on today.. and wow!!!!
Bro this is just stunning
Customer (USA)
Fuse got blown twice already by PSK and PrSK..
PSK with deep inhalation....🧠💥💥💥💥
Man PSK... oooweee
N.C. (USA)
I have a bit of Pailin Special K on. Alls I can say is
there’s a lot of notes here. A shade medicinal if you
will. But not bitter
M.B. (USA)
I just put on my sample of PSK. Another oil I am gonna
have to get.
A.Z. (USA)
PSK and <...>... Those oils are out of this world...
That silky sweet gourmade goodness just gets me 🥴
T.D. (USA)
PSK made my eye lids very very heavy... almost fell asleep
during magrib 🤣
N.C. (USA)
It’s seems very potent. I didn’t open the white lid all
the way just a bit and extracted what was sitting on rim
of the bottle and it’s more than enough for me to enjoy
M.B. (USA)